7 () () divided by 9 equals () (). () when the remainder is the largest, the maximum divisor is () and the minimum divisor is (). When the remainder is the smallest, the maximum divisor is () and the minimum divisor is () Answer in three hours

7 () () divided by 9 equals () (). () when the remainder is the largest, the maximum divisor is () and the minimum divisor is (). When the remainder is the smallest, the maximum divisor is () and the minimum divisor is () Answer in three hours

The remainder is less than the divisor
So the maximum of the remainder is 8 and the minimum is 1
791 △ 9 = 87 + 8
701 △ 9 = 77 + 8
793 △ 9 = 88 + 1
703 △ 9 = 78 odd 1
When the remainder is the largest, the maximum divisor is (791) and the minimum divisor is (701)
When the remainder is minimum, the maximum divisor is (793) and the minimum divisor is (703)

In a division formula, the sum of divisor, divisor and quotient is 28.4. The divisor is 6 times the divisor. What is the divisor?

Divisor = (28.4 - 6) / (6 + 1) = 3.2

In a division formula, the quotient is 13, the remainder is 28, and the divisor is 483. What is the divisor?

Original number = (483-28) △ 13 = 35

() divided by 40 = () of 21 = (): () = 7 divided by 8 = ()%
)The process of dividing by 40 = () by 21
Speed. I'll turn off the computer soon

(35) divided by 40 = (24) 21 = (7): (8) = 7 divided by 8 = (87.5)%

What's the idiom "9 inches + 1 inch = 1 foot"

. advance by an inch

9 inches + 1 inch = 1 foot

Advance by an inch

What's the idiom "9 inches + 1 inch = 1 foot"?

Advance by an inch

9-inch + 1-inch = 1-foot

9 inches + 1 inch = 1 foot to hit an idiom

9-inch + 1-inch = 1-foot

The idiom means: get an inch, but also want to get another foot. It means greedy, with a small, but also big
Literally, it's already 9 inches, plus 1 inch, that's 1 foot

1 + 2 + 3 hit an idiom 333555 hit an idiom 9 inches + 1 inch = 1 foot hit an idiom

1 + 2 + 3 (one after another) 333555 (three or five groups) 9 inches + 1 inch = 1 foot