If a number is divided by 19, the quotient is twice the remainder, and the number is several times the remainder How is it calculated?

If a number is divided by 19, the quotient is twice the remainder, and the number is several times the remainder How is it calculated?

Let this number be a and the remainder be B
A: that's 39 times the remainder

If a three digit number less than 500 is divided by 86, the quotient and the remainder are the same. What is the maximum number of the three digits

Let the quotient be x, the quotient and the remainder are the same, so the remainder is also X
Divisor = divisor × quotient + remainder

A three digit number divided by 15 has the same quotient and remainder

The largest remainder is 14
So the maximum number is 14x15 + 14 = 210 + 14 = 224
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Divide a three digit number by 36 to get the remainder 8. The largest of these three digits is______ .

In the multiples of 36, the largest three digit number is 36 × 27 = 972, so the maximum divisor is 972 + 8 = 980, so the answer is: 980

Divide a three digit number by 36 to get the remainder 8. The largest of these three digits is______ .

In the multiples of 36, the largest three digit number is 36 × 27 = 972, so the maximum divisor is 972 + 8 = 980, so the answer is: 980

How much is a number minus the product of 12 times 3, plus the quotient of 16 divided by 32 to get 16
The answer is 52 and one in two

Let the number be X-12 × 3 + 16 △ 32 = 16, and the solution is x = 52.5 (16 divided by 32)

What is the product of 90 minus the quotient of 16 divided by 96 and multiplying by 5?


What is four fifths divided by 0.5?

Eight fifths

What is 320 divided by 6 times 8

If there is no explanation about quotient or product, it should be solved according to priority and order

In the oral calculation of 320 / 4, you can think as follows: 320 is () number (), () number () divided by 4 equals () number (), so 320 / 4 = ()

When calculating 320 / 4 orally, you can think like this: 320 is (32) (10), and (32) (10) divided by 4 equals (8) (10), so 320 / 4 = (80)