A division formula, the product of divisor and quotient plus the divisor, the result is 18.8, the divisor is______ .

A division formula, the product of divisor and quotient plus the divisor, the result is 18.8, the divisor is______ .

18.8 △ 2 = 9.4, a: the divisor is 9.4, so the answer is: 9.4

In a division formula, if the quotient is less than or equal to the divisor, then the divisor should be ()
A. True fraction B. false fraction C. with fraction D. undetermined

According to the analysis, a division formula, if the quotient is less than or equal to the divisor, then the divisor should be greater than or equal to 1, that is, it should be a false fraction

In a division formula, the quotient is 2. If the sum of the divisor and the divisor is 204, then the divisor equals (), and the divisor equals ()

In a division formula, the quotient is 2. If the sum of the divisor and the divisor is 204, then the divisor equals (136) and the divisor equals (68)
To adopt the first correct answer is to respect the labor of the respondents. I wish you progress!

In the division formula, the divisor and divisor are reduced to 1 / 20 of the original at the same time. What is the quotient?

Divisor and divisor expand or reduce the same multiple at the same time, and the quotient remains unchanged

1 / 3 equals 0.33 cycle, 1 / 3 × 3 = 1, but 0.33 cycle × 3 equals 0.99 cycle. Why?

It is proved that 8.999 ÷ 9=0.999… Let n = 0.999 Then (8 + n) / 9 = n solves the equation with one variable and gets n = 1, so 0.999 =N = 10.999 & # 160; 9 cycle = 3x0.333 & # 160; 3 cycle = 3x1 / 3 = 1 is right, no problem! Because & # 160; 1 / 3 = 0.33. So & # 160; 3 * (1 / 3) = 0

What's 33 out of 99?

Thirty three out of ninety-nine is one out of three