A chord is divided into two parts: 1:4. Find the degree of the circumference angle of the chord

A chord is divided into two parts: 1:4. Find the degree of the circumference angle of the chord

The central angle of a circle is two radians, that is 360 degrees, and the angle of one degree (angle system) is equal to the central angle of the circle opposite to the arc length of 1 / 360 of the circumference of the circle. In the question, 1:4 is equal to five equal parts of the circle, so the central angle of every arc is 360 / 5, that is 72 degrees, and the circular angle of the same chord on the circle is equal to half of the central angle, so it should be 36 degrees

A chord has a circumference of 5:7. The degree of the angle of the circumference that the chord faces
75 105 or 150 210
Write down the process. Thank you

75 degrees or 105 degrees
The degree of the central angle of the chord is (360 / 12) × 5 = 150 degrees or (360 / 12) × 7 = 210 degrees
So the degree of the circumference angle of the chord is 75 degrees or 105 degrees