Why are the same chords complementary to each other? How to prove the complementarity or equality of the circle angles of the same chord?

Why are the same chords complementary to each other? How to prove the complementarity or equality of the circle angles of the same chord?

There are two cases in which the circular angle of the same chord is equal to the circular angle of the same arc ∵ theorem the circular angle of an arc is equal to half of the central angle of the same arc ∵ theorem an arc only corresponds to one central angle ∵ the circular angle of the same arc is equal to half of the central angle of the same arc ∵ theorem an arc

How to prove that two circles of the same circle or the same circle are complementary?

Prove: according to the measurement theorem of circle circumference angle: the degree of circle angle is equal to half of the degree of arc, we can know: the sum of two arcs is exactly 360 degrees, so the sum of two circles is 180 degrees (complementary)

If the line AB and a point P are known, if AP + Pb > AB, then the point P is in the______ .

The points a, B and P can be regarded as the three vertices of a triangle

Given that P is a point on the line segment, AP & sup2; = ab · Pb, if Pb = 4, then PA =?, velocity
Given that point P is a point on the line AB, there is less typing on it,

As shown in the figure:
| AP-2 = 2 √ 5 (rounding off)
∴ AP=2+2√5