The sum of a two digit one digit number and a ten digit number is greater than 10. If 36 is added to the two digit number, it is exactly equal to the sum of the two digit numbers after exchanging the positions

The sum of a two digit one digit number and a ten digit number is greater than 10. If 36 is added to the two digit number, it is exactly equal to the sum of the two digit numbers after exchanging the positions

48 and 59

A two digit number, the sum of the numbers is equal to 10, if this number plus 36, then the positions of the two numbers are exchanged to find the original two digits

If the original ten digit number is x, then the individual digit number is 10-x
A: the original two digit number is 37

There is a two digit number whose sum is greater than 8. If 36 is added to the number, it is equal to the number after the position of the number is interchanged?

Let this two digit number be AB, then according to the condition, there is
Sort out the second formula and get
A + 4 = B, because a and B are positive integers not greater than 9, and the sum is less than 8
It can only be 59, 48 or 37