For a three digit number, the sum of the three digits is 17, the number in the hundred digit is 7 larger than that in the ten digit number, and two thirds of the number in the ten digit number

For a three digit number, the sum of the three digits is 17, the number in the hundred digit is 7 larger than that in the ten digit number, and two thirds of the number in the ten digit number

nine hundred and twenty-six
The number of 100 digits is 7 larger than that of 10 digits, and the number of 10 digits can only be 1 or 2. When the number of 10 digits is 1, the number of 100 digits is 8, and the number of 100 digits is not valid. When the number of 10 digits is 2, the number of 100 digits is 9, and the number of 10 digits is 6, and the total number is 17

For a three digit number, the sum of the three digits is 17, the number in the hundred digit number is 7 times larger than that in the ten digit number, and the number in the one digit number is 3 times of that in the ten digit number

Let X be the one digit, y be the ten digit and Z be the hundred digit
The solution is x = 6, y = 2, z = 9, so 926

There is a three digit number. The sum of three digits in a digit number is 17. The number in a ten digit number and the number in a hundred digit number are larger than 7. The number in a single digit number is three times that of a ten digit number

Let ten digits be X. because the number on the single digit is three times that of the ten digit, the number on the single digit is 3x, and there are three digits. The sum of the three digits on the digit is 17, and the hundred digit is x + 7
The single digit is 3x = 6
The hundreds are x + 7 = 7 + 2 = 9
The original number is: 100 (17-4x) + 10x + 3x = 1700-400x + 13X = 1700-387x

For a three digit number, the sum of the three digits is 17, the number on the hundred digit is 7 times larger than the number on the ten digit number, and the number on the one digit is 3 times of the number on the ten digit number

Let X be the number of ten, then the number of one is 3x, and the number of hundred is (x + 7). From the meaning of the question, we can get: 3x + X + (x + 7) = 17, and the solution is: x = 2, then we can get the number of one is 6, the number of ten is 2, and the number of hundred is 9. A: this three digit number is 926