The ammeter is out of order. There is a voltmeter. How to measure the rated power of the bulb

The ammeter is out of order. There is a voltmeter. How to measure the rated power of the bulb

Connect the switch, power supply, bulb, sliding rheostat in series, and connect the voltmeter with the bulb in parallel. Adjust the sliding rheostat to the minimum value and read out the voltmeter. Then adjust the sliding rheostat to the maximum value and read out the voltmeter. When the sliding rheostat resistance is minimum (zero), the voltmeter reading is equivalent to the power supply voltage U1. When the sliding rheostat is maximum, the voltmeter reading is bulb voltage U2, Using u1-u2 as sliding rheostat voltage and (u1-u2) / sliding rheostat resistance R, the current I2 of sliding rheostat at maximum resistance can be obtained. At this time, the bulb current is I2, the voltage is U2, and the bulb power P = U2 * I2

Series circuit: power supply, switch, bulb, ammeter, voltmeter. In the circuit, the bulb is connected in series with the ammeter and in parallel with the voltmeter, but if they are connected reversely, what will happen
1. The ammeter is burnt out and the bulb is not on
2. The voltmeter and ammeter are intact, and the bulb is not on

Because the resistance of the voltmeter is infinite, there is no current in the circuit
The ammeter is connected in parallel with the lamp, and then connected in series with the voltmeter,
Although the ammeter is connected in parallel with the lamp, the front-end circuit is also connected in series with a voltmeter, so there is no current on the ammeter and the lamp. The voltmeter shows the output voltage of the power supply
But if the voltmeter is connected in series with the lamp, then they are connected in parallel with the ammeter, as the first floor said

The voltmeter is connected in parallel with the bulb, the ammeter is connected in series with the bulb, and the bulb is short circuited. What's the change of voltmeter and current indication?

Voltmeter = 0, ammeter larger (burnable meter)

To explore the rated power of the bulb, we selected the equipment: bulb with rated voltage of 3.8V, ammeter and voltmeter, 3 battery, switch, wire. Can you measure it?

Yes, because the voltage is not the same as the rated voltage, the resistance R of the bulb must be measured first,
When two batteries are connected in series, the voltage on both sides of the bulb is U1 and the current is I, r = U1 / I
P = u × U / R