Why is the total electric power divided by the supply voltage not equal to the circuit current in a series circuit? Why is the power divided by the voltage not equal to the circuit current?

Why is the total electric power divided by the supply voltage not equal to the circuit current in a series circuit? Why is the power divided by the voltage not equal to the circuit current?

Not pure resistance circuit, not pure resistance circuit is in the state of power on, there is heat, there are other forms of work to the outside except internal energy! Generators, motors, fans, electrolyzers, in addition to heat, but also external work, so these are non pure resistance circuit. Note: in non pure resistance circuit, not applicable

Electric energy can be converted into internal energy by electric current
This sentence is right. Can it be done in reality?

Electric energy is transformed into internal energy, which is reflected in heating. In reality, there are many such examples, such as rice cooker, electric stove, electric iron, electric kettle, electric blanket, etc