When the switch is closed, the light doesn't work, but the fuse is blown immediately. The reason for this phenomenon may be () A. There is an open circuit somewhere in the circuit B. connect one end of the switch to the neutral line and one end to the live line C. connect the switch to the neutral line D. the voltage in the circuit is too low

When the switch is closed, the light doesn't work, but the fuse is blown immediately. The reason for this phenomenon may be () A. There is an open circuit somewhere in the circuit B. connect one end of the switch to the neutral line and one end to the live line C. connect the switch to the neutral line D. the voltage in the circuit is too low

A. There is an open circuit somewhere in the circuit, which makes the light not on and will not blow the fuse, so a is wrong; B. connect one end of the switch to the neutral line and one end to the live wire, once closed, it will cause short circuit of the power supply and blow the fuse, so B is correct; C. connect the switch to the neutral line and close the switch. The light will light up, but it is not safe, so C is wrong; D. the voltage in the circuit is too low, it will not blow the fuse, and the light will light up The light is dim, so D is wrong

Multiple choice questions about home circuit
For a newly erected civil lighting line, before the fuse is installed on the live wire, a bulb with the specification of "pz220-60" can be connected to the live wire and installed on the two terminals of the fuse. After the switch is closed, if the bulb can light normally, it indicates the newly installed lighting circuit
A fully meet the requirements B short circuit C open circuit D short circuit open circuit is possible
Where's the answer on the second floor?

Select b short circuit: the fuse on the live wire of civil lighting line is connected in series in the trunk road. If each branch road is completely normal, the bulb ("pz220-60") at the fuse should not be bright or the light is dark. That is, the voltage at both ends of the bulb should be lower than 220 V or equal to 0