How to calculate the total power when the current and voltage of three-phase electricity are known/

How to calculate the total power when the current and voltage of three-phase electricity are known/

Three phase power formula: P = √ 3 * u * I * cos φ
Where: P represents power, u represents voltage 380V, I represents current, cos φ represents power factor. √ 3 = 1.732
The power factor cos φ is 1 for resistive load
The power factor cos φ is 0.8 for inductive loads such as motors
In this way, knowing the voltage and current, we can calculate the total power

Known 220 V voltage on 10 seconds, using 60 degrees of electricity, power and current size

Too much power:
The current work is: w = 60 degrees = 60kW · H = 60 × 3.6 × 10 ^ 6J
According to: P = w / T = 3.6 × 10 ^ 6 × 60 / 10 = 2.16 × 10 ^ 7W
electric current:
According to P = UI
Are you sure it consumes 60 degrees in 10 seconds? What kind of appliance is this? It's crazy

Calculate the formula of electric power, voltage multiplied by the voltage in the current refers to the potential difference
Such as the title

Voltage is the potential difference. A concept

Electric power P = uit, voltage times current times time, how to write the power formula of power, what does each symbol represent

Power formula commonly used in mechanics
P = w / T, W is work, t is time
P = FV, f is the motive force of the object, and V is the velocity of the object in the same direction as f