Three resistors are all 10 megohm in parallel. What is the total equivalent resistance?

Three resistors are all 10 megohm in parallel. What is the total equivalent resistance?

The parallel resistance algorithm is as follows
Equivalent resistance of parallel resistance R = 1 / (1 / R1 + 1 / r2 +...)
In your question, r = 1 / (0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1) = 10 / 3
The parallel connection of resistors with the same resistance value is a special case, which can be simply calculated as follows: r = resistance value of single small resistor / number of small resistors, so your question r = 10 / 3
The above are two algorithms of parallel resistance, I hope you can use them flexibly!

If a 5-ohm resistor is connected in parallel with a 1-ohm resistor, is the total resistance greater than 1 ohm and less than 5 ohm, or less than 1 ohm?

The total resistance is less than 1 ohm
R1 = 1 ohm, R2 = 5 ohm, if the resistance after parallel connection is r, then:
R = 1 / 1.2 ≈ 0.8333 (Euro)

If two resistors with resistance values of 1 ohm and 10 ohm are connected in parallel, how many ohm is the total resistance greater than?

Less than 1 ohm

Ask 1.2 micro method capacitance and 10 megohm resistance parallel problem
I would like to ask a 1.2 micro method capacitance and a 10 megohm resistor in parallel (on the microwave oven), using an ordinary digital multimeter to measure the resistance, the resistance should be how much?
If the readout resistance is close to zero, is it damaged?
thank you!

If it has been removed, the resistance of the two components should be close to 10 megohm. If the resistance is close to zero, the capacitor has broken down