A car is moving in a straight line at a speed of 36km / h. The power of the engine is known to be 60kW. How much work has the engine done in 10min? How much resistance does the car suffer? Thank you for the process

A car is moving in a straight line at a speed of 36km / h. The power of the engine is known to be 60kW. How much work has the engine done in 10min? How much resistance does the car suffer? Thank you for the process

This is a calculation problem. 10min = 1 / 6 hours; work done g = power × time = 60kW × 1 / 6 = 10kW = 10000 joules. The distance in ten minutes is: 36km / h × 1 / 6h = 6km = 6000m. According to w = f × s, because the car runs at a constant speed, f × s = w = g, and the pushing resistance f = 10000 / 6000 = 5 / 3N

The power of a car is 60kW and it runs at a constant speed along a horizontal highway. If the driving speed is 36km / h, how much resistance does the car suffer?
Step by step!

Because driving at a constant speed, the resistance received is equal to the driving force of the car
Power P = f (traction) * V (speed),
By unifying the dimensions in the above formula into the international system of units,
F (traction) = 60 * 1000 / (36 / 3.6) = 6kn

The output power of the automobile engine is 60kW. If the engine runs at a speed of 36km / h for 1.2km at a constant speed, the engine will do work J during this period, and the resistance of the automobile is n
Teacher's answer 6000 J 30000 n

First, the time t = s / v = 1.2km/36km/h = 1 / 30h = 120s is calculated by speed and distance

A car runs at a constant speed of 70km on a straight road. The speed of the car is 72km / h, and the total consumption of gasoline is 6L. According to the table information, the power of the car is calculated
The fuel tank volume is 50L, the density of gasoline is 700kg / M & sup3;, the calorific value of gasoline is 46000000j / kg, and the percentage of internal energy converted into mechanical energy is 40%

Volume = 6L = 6 * 10 ^ (- 3) M & sup3; density = mass / volume mass = volume * density = 6 * 10 ^ (- 3) M & sup3; * 700kg / M & sup3; = 4.2kgq = q / MQ = m * q = 4.2kg * 46000000j / kg = 1.932 * 10 ^ 8j; mechanical energy = internal energy * 0.4 = 1.932 * 10 ^ 8j * 0.4 = 7.728 * 10 ^ 7J; speed = distance / time = distance / speed