How many kilowatts is the engine power of a car driving at a speed of 15 meters per second along a horizontal highway under the traction of 3000 n?

How many kilowatts is the engine power of a car driving at a speed of 15 meters per second along a horizontal highway under the traction of 3000 n?

Engine power P = FV = 3000n × 15m / S = 45000 w = 45KW

What does higher engine power mean? What is its relationship with displacement, fuel consumption, acceleration and speed?

There is no direct relationship between power and fuel consumption or acceleration. Fuel consumption is directly proportional to displacement: the larger the displacement of the engine in the same technical standard, the greater the fuel consumption. For example, the corresponding power should be larger, but the power is not determined by fuel consumption. It is determined by displacement, and the fuel consumption is also determined by displacement

What is the relationship between the power of the engine and the distance the car passes and the fuel consumption

If the power is large, the final speed will be the maximum. The fuel consumption is related to the resistance of the car and the product of the distance. That is to say, it is related to the actual work done and the oil conversion rate. If the power is large and the time is long, the fuel consumption will be large. The pure power has nothing to do with the fuel consumption

The relationship between engine speed and engine speed

The higher the speed is, the faster the speed is. Supplement: only when the speed is more than 2000 rpm can the engine really show its advantages. The speed range from 2000 to 4000 rpm is called the healthy speed range of the engine. That is to say, if the engine works in this speed range, it can better play its role. If the speed is too low, the fuel will not burn enough in the cylinder, At this time, the engine is easy to accumulate carbon. Over a long period of time, the damage to the engine is considerable. The higher the speed is, the greater the wear and tear of the engine. Generally speaking, on the Chinese road, when the speed is 4000 rpm in 5th gear, it has exceeded the speed limit of the highway. Ha ha! Now, looking back on the timing of gear shifting, this 2500 shift is not dead. My habit is, After starting in the first gear, when the clutch is fully raised, I can go to the second gear with a big accelerator. Then I shift from the second gear to the third gear, from the third gear to the fourth gear, and from the fourth gear to the fifth gear when it is nearly 3000 rpm. For example, when the second gear reaches 3000 rpm, I go to the third gear. At this time, the speed in the third gear is about 2200 rpm, so that every gear can work in a healthy speed! According to this principle, 2500 shift should be the minimum speed for shifting. If your driving speed doesn't reach this speed, you can drive in this gear all the time. When will you go to the next gear after 2500 RPM? This principle is suitable for shifting above second gear. Usually first gear is only used for starting and low speed driving. By the way, 2500 rpm is not a mandatory data, In fact, the purpose is to say that the engine should work in the concept of healthy speed. Don't always stare at the tachometer. There will be hidden dangers in driving. Finally, I wish you all the best in driving!