How much damage can 160 joules of energy cause The strike energy of the arrow is 160 joules. How much damage can this cause?

How much damage can 160 joules of energy cause The strike energy of the arrow is 160 joules. How much damage can this cause?

The shorter the time t, the greater the f

Why do lithium batteries use MAH to represent the amount of stored energy instead of Joule
Joule is the unit of energy

In theory, Joule can be used as a unit, but the conversion is complicated. Most people do not know the measurement of Joule, so it is difficult to obtain direct and clear information. However, MAH is very clear when using MAH (note that MAH is not energy, it should be multiplied by voltage, and voltage is generally a certain value, so MAH can be used as a measure of energy), You will know the battery life of the mobile phone

How many joules can a lithium battery with a rated capacity of 650mah store
A detailed description of the process and formula is required

First of all, the concept of the person who explains the problem is not clear
Charge is the amount of charge, Joule is the unit of energy
Energy is equal to the product of inductance and electric quantity, strictly speaking, e = int (U * I, DT), that is, the integral of P = UI and DT
(C = int (I, DT), the quantity of electricity is the integral of current to time)
Battery is a kind of special energy storage element. Its output voltage and current have special relationship. Under different discharge current, its measured voltage is also different, which can be equivalent to a variable internal resistance
You did not give your battery parameters, generally speaking, a single lithium battery is 3.7V nominal, two strings is 7.2V
There is a special relationship between the voltage and power of lithium battery. You can see the following curve (I remember that the curve of a battery was measured with a current discharge of 0.2C, that is, 0.2 nominal capacity)
Obviously, an approximation can be obtained by using E = int (U * I, DT) in this table
If you don't understand the trouble
In fact, the approximate calculation method is like this
Well, it's about enough for one person to go up to the fourth floor

The formula of Joule's rate

Q = I square RT