The distance between vehicle a and vehicle B is 150km, and the two vehicles start at the same time. If they travel in the same direction, vehicle B can catch up with vehicle a in 4 hours. If the two vehicles meet in 1.5 hours, the average speed of vehicle a and vehicle B can be calculated

The distance between vehicle a and vehicle B is 150km, and the two vehicles start at the same time. If they travel in the same direction, vehicle B can catch up with vehicle a in 4 hours. If the two vehicles meet in 1.5 hours, the average speed of vehicle a and vehicle B can be calculated

Let a x (kmh), b y (kmh), B chase a, then y is large, we can get: 150 divided by 4 equals Y-X; 150 divided by 1.5 equals y + X: find (x + y) / 2 = 50 (kmh)

A and B start from two places 150km apart at the same time. If they go in opposite directions, they will meet in three hours. If they go in the same direction, they will catch up with a in six hours

Let the velocity of a be x and that of B be y
Then: 3 (x + y) = 150
X = 12.5km/h
Y = 37.5km/h

Car a goes from a and car B goes from B at the same time. After the two cars meet for the first time, car a continues to drive for 4 hours to reach B, while car B only drives for 1 hour to reach a. the speed ratio of car a and car B is 0______ .

Suppose the speed of a is x, the speed of B is y, and the meeting time is Z, then: ZXY = 1, ① ZYX = 4, ② ① × ② get z = 2, B substitute z = 2 into ①, get xy = 12, that is, X: y = 1:2