Both Party A and Party B start from a and B at the same time. Party B is in the front and Party A is in the back. Party B travels 56 meters per minute and party a 70 meters per minute. After 10 minutes, Party A and Party B start to walk When people reach their destination at the same time, find the distance between a and B I just want the equation

Both Party A and Party B start from a and B at the same time. Party B is in the front and Party A is in the back. Party B travels 56 meters per minute and party a 70 meters per minute. After 10 minutes, Party A and Party B start to walk When people reach their destination at the same time, find the distance between a and B I just want the equation

Suppose that the distance between a and B is x m, then
The solution is x = 140 meters
A. B the distance between the two places is 140 meters

Let's see the following questions. A and B start from a and B at different speeds Quick!
A and B set out from a and B at different speeds, facing each other. The first time they met, they were 60 kilometers away from A. after meeting, they continued to drive at the same speed and returned to their destination. The second time they met, they were 40 kilometers away from A. how many kilometers away was the first meeting point from B?

The first encounter is 60 kilometers away from a, which means that car a travels 60 kilometers every time it meets,
The second encounter can be seen as a total of a and B two cars a, B two driving three times;
If the first line is 60, then the third line is 60 * 3 = 180 km
At this time, the total distance of a is still 40 kilometers, which is equivalent to twice the distance between a and B (the second encounter is 40 kilometers away from a)
So it's a long journey
(60 × 3 + 40) △ 2 = 110 (km)
The distance from the first meeting point to B: 110-60 = 50 (km)
A: the first meeting point is 50 kilometers away from B

Car a and car B move towards each other from a and B, respectively. Car a starts 1.5 hours earlier than car B, and car a and car B just meet in the middle. It is known that the time ratio of car a and car B is 3:2, and the average speed of car a is 40 km / h

(1) Let a use time T1, B use time T2, from the meaning, T1-T2 = 1.5h, t1t2 = 32, the solution is T1 = 4.5H, T2 = 3h, from v = st, the distance a passes is S1 = v1t1 = 40km / h × 4.5H = 180km, because it meets at the midpoint, so the distance b passes is S2 = S1 = 180km, then the distance between AB is s = S1 + S2