It is known that train a runs 120 km per hour and train B 150 km per hour What is the speed ratio of the two trains? What's the time ratio of the two trains when they meet? What is the ratio of the time taken by the two trains to travel the full distance?

It is known that train a runs 120 km per hour and train B 150 km per hour What is the speed ratio of the two trains? What's the time ratio of the two trains when they meet? What is the ratio of the time taken by the two trains to travel the full distance?

1. Because Party A and Party B leave at the same time and meet at the same time, the time used is the same, so the time ratio of the two trains is 1:1
2. If the distance between a and B is set as X, then (x / 120): (x / 150) can be obtained according to the demand, and the time ratio of a and B trains to complete the whole journey is 5:4

A and B depart from ab at the same time. A car travels 120 km per hour, B 150 km per hour. How long can a and B meet
A and B trains leave from ab at the same time. A train travels 120km per hour, B train 150km per hour. What is the time ratio when a and B meet.

The answer is 1:1. Analysis: at the same time, the starting time is set to T1, the meeting time is set to T2, and the driving time of two vehicles is t2-t1, so the time ratio is 1:1

The train runs 120km / h, and the swallow runs 150km / h. The speed of the train is ()% of that of the swallow

The train runs 120km / h, and the swallow runs 150km / h. The speed of the train is 80% of that of the swallow

The two trains a and B start from ab at the same time. Car a travels 150 km per hour, and car B's speed is 80% of car A. It is known that the railway between the two places is 540 km long. After a few hours, the two trains meet?

=2 (hours)
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