There are two trains of a and B. the length of train a is 120 meters, and that of train B is 30 meters. They run in opposite directions at the speed of 60 kilometers and 65 kilometers per hour, respectively

There are two trains of a and B. the length of train a is 120 meters, and that of train B is 30 meters. They run in opposite directions at the speed of 60 kilometers and 65 kilometers per hour, respectively

What you want to ask is whether it is the time from the meeting of two cars to the separation, that is, the wrong time?
(120 + 130) △ 1000 △ 65 + 60) = 0.002 hours = 7.2 seconds
The time for two cars to miss is 7.2 seconds

A. B is 490 km away from each other. A and B depart from a and B at the same time and run in opposite directions. A runs 120 km per hour,
Car B travels 100 kilometers per hour. How many hours later, the distance between the two cars is 50 kilometers

After X hours, the distance between the two vehicles is 50 km
Confrontation is not pursuit

AB is 120 km away from each other. If a and B start from ab at the same time and travel in opposite directions, after six hours, a can catch up with B. if they travel in opposite directions, 40 minutes later, they are still 40 km away. The speed of a and B is faster than that of B

Let car a travel x kilometers per hour and car B travel y kilometers per hour
The solution is: x = 70, y = 50
Vehicle a travels 70 kilometers per hour, and vehicle B travels 50 kilometers per hour
(*^__ ^* *^__ ^* *^__ ^*Hello, it's my greatest happiness to be able to help you!

The distance between city a and City C is 450 km, and the distance between city B and City C is 400 km. The speed of car a is 10 km / h faster than that of car B. as a result, the two cars arrive at City C at the same time

Let a's velocity be x km / h, B's velocity be (X-10) km / h, according to the meaning of the question: 450X = 400X − 10, the solution is x = 90. After testing: x = 90 is the solution of the original equation, X-10 = 80 A: A's velocity is 90 km / h, B's velocity is 80 km / h