Car a and B start from the same place and follow the same route to catch up with the cyclist in front. It takes 6 minutes and 10 minutes respectively for car a and B to catch up with the cyclist It is known that the speed of car a is 24 km / h and that of car B is 20 km / h. Q: when the two cars start, how far is the location of the two cars from the cyclist?

Car a and B start from the same place and follow the same route to catch up with the cyclist in front. It takes 6 minutes and 10 minutes respectively for car a and B to catch up with the cyclist It is known that the speed of car a is 24 km / h and that of car B is 20 km / h. Q: when the two cars start, how far is the location of the two cars from the cyclist?

Suppose the speed of the cyclist is a and the distance between the two vehicles and the cyclist is B
A overtakes cyclist: B = (24-a) * 6 / 60
B catch up with cyclist: B = (20-a) * 10 / 60
The results show that a = 14 km / h, B = 1 km / h
Therefore, when the two vehicles start, the two vehicles are 1 km away from the cyclist

A and B go from place a to place B at the same time. A rides a motorcycle and B rides a bicycle. The distance a travels per hour is 5 kilometers more than three times that of B. A stops at place B for one hour (B has not yet arrived at place B) and then returns to place a from place B. on the way, B meets B. at this time, B has already met B on the way, At this time, B has been running for three hours. If a and B are 72.5km apart, calculate the speed of a and B

Suppose B's speed is x km / h, then a's speed is (3x + 5) km / h. at the time of meeting, B has been traveling for 3 hours, and a has been traveling for 2 hours (Party A and B start at the same time, but party a stay in B for 1 hour); B's riding distance is 3x km, and a's riding distance is 2 * (3x + 5) km, that is (6x + 10) km

A and B vehicles drive from city a and city B to City C along the expressway at the same time. It is known that the distance between city a and City C is 450 km, and that between city B and City C is 400 km
If the speed of car a is 5 / 4 of that of car B, the result is that car a arrives at City C 1 / 2 hours earlier than car B, and the speed of car B is calculated. 2. If car a is a km / h faster than car B, when car B's speed is 9A km / h, which car gets to City C first?

Distance ratio 450:400 = 9:8
Speed ratio 5:4
So the time ratio is 9 / 5:8 / 4 = 9:10
B time 0.5x10 △ 10-9 = 5 hours
Speed 400 △ 5 = 80 km / h
Speed ratio 9A + A: 9A = 10:9
The distance ratio is 9:8
Time ratio 9 / 10:8 / 9 = 81:80 > 1
So B comes first

A and B vehicles start from place a and drive along the same Expressway to place B 400km away from place A. L1 and L2 represent the driving distance of a and B vehicles respectively
Car a and car B start from place a and drive along the same Expressway to place B 400km away from place A. L1 and L2 represent the driving distance y (km) 1 of car a and car B respectively?
2. How long does the car arrive at B before the other one
(car B: departure time: 3 / 4 h; car a: departure time: 0 h. total distance: 400 km)
The intersection of the two vehicles' primary function image is: distance: 300km, time: 3.5H)

The x value of L2 is smaller than that of L1 when y = 400
So car B comes first
When y = 300, car B overtakes car a
Use time: 300 = 100x-75
Then L1: y = x (300 / 3.75) = 80x
So when L1 y = 400, x = 5
So car B is 0.25 hours faster than car a