Two cars a and B drive from city a and city B to City C along the same Expressway at the same time. It is known that the distance between city a and City C is 450 km, B. C. the distance between the two cities is 400 km (1) If the speed of car a is 12 km / h faster than that of car B, the result is that two cars arrive at City C at the same time, and the speed of car B is calculated; (2) Suppose the speed of car B is x and that of car a is (x + a). If x = 10a, ask which car gets to City C first and explain the reason

Two cars a and B drive from city a and city B to City C along the same Expressway at the same time. It is known that the distance between city a and City C is 450 km, B. C. the distance between the two cities is 400 km (1) If the speed of car a is 12 km / h faster than that of car B, the result is that two cars arrive at City C at the same time, and the speed of car B is calculated; (2) Suppose the speed of car B is x and that of car a is (x + a). If x = 10a, ask which car gets to City C first and explain the reason

The speed of car B is 96
Car B arrives first because 450 / 11a > 400 / 10A

The road between city a and city B is 420 kilometers long. Two cars drive from city a to city B at the same time. The first car runs 42 kilometers per hour, and the second car runs 42 kilometers per hour
28km, the first car returned immediately after arriving at city B. how many hours did the two cars share from departure to meeting?

The first bus to city B takes 420 △ 42 = 10 hours
At this time, the second car is 420-28 × 10 = 140 km away from Yicheng
Then 140 △ 42 + 28 = 2 hours, the two cars meet
So 10 + 2 = 12 hours

A and B two cars drive from AB two cities along a highway to C Cheng at the same time. It is known that AC two cities gather 450km, BC two cities gather 400km car biplane
A and B two cars drive from AB two cities along a highway to C Cheng at the same time. It is known that AC two cities gather 450km and BC two cities gather 400km. A car is 10km / h faster than the car. Who will get to C City first?

Let the velocity of a be X-10
The time of arrival of a is 450 / x, the time of arrival is 400 / (X-10)
Suppose two cars arrive at the same time, that is 450 / x = 400 / (X-10)
When the speed of getting a is 90 km / h, the two vehicles arrive at the same time
When the speed of a is greater than 90 km / h, the first arrival is the first arrival
When the speed of a is less than 90 km / h, a will arrive first

A and B vehicles drive from a and B cities to C City along the same Expressway at the same time. It is known that a and C cities are 450 km apart, B and C cities are 400 km apart. The speed of a vehicle is 15 km / h faster than that of B vehicle. As a result, two vehicles arrive at C City at the same time, and the speed of two vehicles is calculated

Suppose the speed of car B is x km / h
The speed of car B is 120 km / h
The speed of car a is 135 km / h