A number is an even number smaller than 30 and a multiple of 3. What is the possible number

A number is an even number smaller than 30 and a multiple of 3. What is the possible number


The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 30. Among the three numbers, the larger two are () and ()

The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 30. Among the three numbers, the two largest are (10) and (12)
These three consecutive even numbers are 8, 10 and 12

Arrange the natural numbers in the following order. In this order, 9 is in the third row and the second column. Then: (1) what is the number in the first column of row 2009?
10 14 19 .
15 20 .
21 .
(2) What is the row and column of natural number 2009?

The numbers in the first column of each row are 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21 ,
It can be expressed by the formula n (n + 1) / 2, where n is the sequence number of the row
The number of the first column in line 2009 is 2009 × 2010 / 2 = 2019045
The positive solution of X (x + 1) / 2 ≥ 2009 is x > 62,
Take x = 62, the number in the first column of row 62 is 62 × 63 / 2 = 1953,
Natural number 2009 is in line 56, column 8

The sum of five consecutive even numbers is 130. What are the five consecutive even numbers?

They are 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30