Party A and Party B ride from both places at the same time. Party A travels 20 kilometers per hour, and Party B travels 18 kilometers per hour. When they meet, the distance between them is 3 kilometers from the midpoint of the whole journey. How long is the whole journey? (draw a picture first, then answer)

Party A and Party B ride from both places at the same time. Party A travels 20 kilometers per hour, and Party B travels 18 kilometers per hour. When they meet, the distance between them is 3 kilometers from the midpoint of the whole journey. How long is the whole journey? (draw a picture first, then answer)

3 × 2 (20-18) = 6 △ 2 = 3 (hours); (20 + 18) × 3 = 38 × 3 = 114 (kilometers); answer: the whole journey is 114 kilometers long

Party A and Party B ride from both places at the same time. Party A travels 20 kilometers per hour, and Party B travels 18 kilometers per hour. When they meet, the distance between them is 3 kilometers from the midpoint of the whole journey. How long is the whole journey? (draw a picture first, then answer)

3 × 2 (20-18) = 6 △ 2 = 3 (hours); (20 + 18) × 3 = 38 × 3 = 114 (kilometers); answer: the whole journey is 114 kilometers long

Party A and Party B are walking from ab at the same time. They meet in 1.5 hours. Party A has traveled 18 kilometers. The distance ratio of Party A and Party B is 3:2. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places

The distance of B line x
AB = 18 + x = 30 km

Party A and Party B walk from AB to each other. Party A walks 5 kilometers per hour and Party B walks 2 kilometers per hour. They meet 18 kilometers away from the destination. How far is the distance between AB and Party B? (to explain and calculate the process)

Pro, from the end or from the midpoint? If it's from the midpoint, the speed difference between them is 5-2 = 3, 18 km from the midpoint, that is to say, their total distance difference is 18 × 2 = 36, total distance difference △ speed difference = time, 36 △ 3 = 12 (hours), then the total distance is 12 × (5 + 2) = 84
This kind of problem needs to draw more line diagram, and also need to remember the time formula