Party A and Party B are facing each other from a and B at the same time. The meeting point is 8000 meters away from the midpoint of a and B. the speed of a is 1 or 2 times that of B. the distance between a and B is calculated

Party A and Party B are facing each other from a and B at the same time. The meeting point is 8000 meters away from the midpoint of a and B. the speed of a is 1 or 2 times that of B. the distance between a and B is calculated

Let a and B be x km, then the distance a takes is (x / 2 + 8) km, and the distance b takes is (x / 2-8) km. Because it takes the same time to meet, the ratio of distance is equal to the ratio of speed (x / 2 + 8): (x / 2-8) = 1.2:1 X / 2 + 8 = 1.2 (x / 2-8) 0.5 x + 8 = 0.6 x-9.68 + 9.6 = 0.6 x-0.5 x 0.1 x = 17.6 x = 176a, B

Party A and Party B walk from two places. After 15 minutes, they walk through the meeting point and then leave 120 meters. Party A completes the whole journey for 25 minutes, and Party B walks 25 meters per minute. How long is the distance between the two places?

The distance between the two places is X

It takes 1 / 4 more time for a to walk alone than for B to walk alone in a and B. now a and B are walking from a and B respectively. When they meet, B walks 25 meters more than A. how far is a and B?

The speed ratio of a and B is: 1: (1 + 1 / 4) = 4:5
The distance between the two places is:
=225 (m)