Both a and B set out from ab at the same time and travel in opposite directions. A travels 12 kilometers per hour and B travels 10 kilometers per hour. The two meet at a distance of 3 kilometers from the midpoint to seek ab Distance between points

Both a and B set out from ab at the same time and travel in opposite directions. A travels 12 kilometers per hour and B travels 10 kilometers per hour. The two meet at a distance of 3 kilometers from the midpoint to seek ab Distance between points

(3 times 2) divided by (12-10) = 3 hours
3 times (12 + 10) = 66km

A and B are traveling from a and B at the same time. A is 12 kilometers per hour, B is 10 kilometers per hour. They meet at the midpoint of 3 kilometers. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B

When we meet, a is better than B
3 × 2 = 6 (km)
When did you meet
6 ÷ (12-10) = 3 (hours)
AB distance is
(12 + 10) × 3 = 66 (km)

A and B set out from place a to place B at the same time. After a arrived at place B, they immediately returned and met B 32 kilometers away from place B. It is known that a travels 20 kilometers per hour and B 12 kilometers per hour? (solved by equation)

Suppose the distance between a and B is x km, then the driving distances of a and B are x + 32 km and x-32 km respectively, so & nbsp; X + 3220 = x − 3212 & nbsp; 20 (x-32) = 12 (x + 32) & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 20x-640 = 12x + 38420x-640-12x = 12x + 384-12x & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 8x -

Party A and Party B start from a and B at the same time and walk opposite each other. They meet each other in 40 minutes. It is known that Party A travels 30 kilometers per hour and Party B travels 20 kilometers per hour. How many minutes will it take for Party A to reach place B and how many meters will Party B be away from place a?

40 minutes = 23 hours, 20 × 23 / 30, = 403 / 30, = 49 (hours) = 803 (minutes), (30 + 20) × 23-20 × (23 + 49), = 1003-2009, = 1009 (kilometers). A: meeting a, you can reach B in 803 minutes, and B is 1009 kilometers away from a