Ships a and B face each other from two points a and B respectively. When ship a leaves the port for 700 km, they meet ship B. after meeting, the two ships continue to move forward and return to each other's starting point immediately. When ship a is 400 km away from B, they meet ship B for the second time. How many km is the distance between two points a and B?

Ships a and B face each other from two points a and B respectively. When ship a leaves the port for 700 km, they meet ship B. after meeting, the two ships continue to move forward and return to each other's starting point immediately. When ship a is 400 km away from B, they meet ship B for the second time. How many km is the distance between two points a and B?

700 * 3-400 = 1700km

The distance between port a and port B is 120 km. Ships a and B meet each other for 6 hours from port a and port B. ship a goes downstream and ship B goes upstream. When they meet, ship a travels% more than ship B
The distance between port a and port B is 120 km. Ships a and B meet each other for 6 hours from port a and port B. ship a goes downstream while ship B goes upstream. When they meet, ship a travels 49 km more than ship B. the water velocity is 15 km per hour. The static water velocity of ship a and ship B is calculated

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Forward speed = static speed + water speed, reverse speed = static speed - water speed
Ship a is in the water and ship B is against the water
The distance of ship B is (120-49) / 2 = 35.5km
The distance of ship a is (120-49) / 2 + 49 = 84.5km
The speed of ship B is 35.5/6 = 6.92 km / h
The speed of ship a is 84.5/6 = 14.08 km / h
The static water velocity of ship B is: 6.92 + 15 = 21.92 km / h
The static water velocity of ship a is: 14.08-15 = -0.92 km / h
Ship a's still water speed can't be negative, so the question is whether there is Wu