Party A and Party B walk from the East and west villages at the same time. Party A walks for 4 kilometers and Party B rides for 9 kilometers. They meet at the midpoint of 20 meters. How many meters is the distance between the two villages?

Party A and Party B walk from the East and west villages at the same time. Party A walks for 4 kilometers and Party B rides for 9 kilometers. They meet at the midpoint of 20 meters. How many meters is the distance between the two villages?

Let the time taken by two people be X
The solution is x = 0.008
Then the distance between the two villages is: 9000 * 0.008 + 4000 * 0.008 = 104m

The street is 1672 meters long. Party A and Party B travel from both ends of the street at the same time. Party A rides 350 meters per minute, and Party B walks for 4 minutes. They meet each other, and Party B travels more every minute
How much is line B

The street is 1672 meters long. Party A and Party B travel from both ends of the street at the same time. Party A rides 350 meters per minute, and Party B walks for 4 minutes. They meet each other, and Party B travels more every minute
Speed and speed: 1672 / 4 = 418m
B: 418-350 = 68

A and B start from home at the same time. A travels 600 meters per minute and B 750 meters per minute. They meet 600 meters away from the midpoint of the two families. The two families meet each other
How many meters?

Hello Jue Jue,
When we met, B was more than a: 600 × 2 = 1200 (m)
B is more than a per minute: 750-600 = 150 (m)
The meeting time of two people is: 1200 △ 150 = 8 (minutes)
Distance between two houses: (600 + 750) × 8 = 10800 (m)

The distance between a and B is 40km, and they walk in opposite directions. A walks 5km per hour, and B rides a bicycle. Two hours later, they meet. How many kilometers per hour does B walk?

40-5 times 2 = 30 km 30 divided by 2 = 15 km a: B travels 15 km per hour