After 72% of the coal is used up, 180 tons of coal is transported in. At this time, it is 8% more than the original. How many tons of coal was there? How many tons are there now? The key point is to seek "now". Originally, I worked it out I have an example here. I know the result, but the understanding of the process is still vague, For example: from place a to place B, the fast train takes 5 hours and the slow train takes 8 hours. What percentage of the speed of the fast train is that of the slow train? What percentage of the speed of the slow train is slower than that of the fast train?

After 72% of the coal is used up, 180 tons of coal is transported in. At this time, it is 8% more than the original. How many tons of coal was there? How many tons are there now? The key point is to seek "now". Originally, I worked it out I have an example here. I know the result, but the understanding of the process is still vague, For example: from place a to place B, the fast train takes 5 hours and the slow train takes 8 hours. What percentage of the speed of the fast train is that of the slow train? What percentage of the speed of the slow train is slower than that of the fast train?

1. Originally: 180 ÷ (1 + 8% - 1 + 72%) = 225 tons
Now: 225 × (1 + 8%) = 243 tons

1. The canteen transported four fifths of the coal. After burning two fifths of the coal, it burned another quarter of the coal. How many tons are left?
2. The canteen transported four fifths of the coal, burned two fifths of the coal, burned the remaining one fourth of the coal, burned how many tons? How many tons are left?

1. Remaining: 4 / 5-4 / 5 × 2 / 5-1 / 4 = 4 / 5-8 / 25-1 / 4 = (80-32-25) / 100 = 23 / 100 (ton)
1 / 4 × (4 / 5-2 / 5) = 1 / 4 × 2 / 5 = 1 / 10 (ton)
Remaining: 4 / 5-2 / 5-1 / 10 = 2 / 5-1 / 10 = 3 / 10 (ton)

Canteen transported 4 / 5 tons of coal, used 1 / 4 tons, how many tons are left? Pick up quickly!

4 / 5-1 / 4 = 11 / 20 tons

Four fifths of the coal is transported from the canteen, and the ton burned is the remaining one fourth. How many tons are left?

4/5 ×4/5 =16/25