For a pile of coal, one fifth of the total amount is used, another one fifth of a ton is used, and one fifth of a ton is left. How many tons of coal are there?

For a pile of coal, one fifth of the total amount is used, another one fifth of a ton is used, and one fifth of a ton is left. How many tons of coal are there?

Set the original x tons
A: there are tons of coal in this pile

A pile of coal has four fifths of a ton. One tenth of the total coal is used in the first time, and one tenth of a ton is used in the second time. How many tons are used in the two times?

Used for the first time: 4 / 5 x 1 / 10 = 2 / 25 (ton)
Used for the second time: 2 / 25, 1 / 10 = 1 / 125 (ton)
Total consumption: 1 / 125 + 2 / 25 = 11 / 125 (tons)
A: 11 out of 125 tons
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