The canteen transported 94 tons of coal, one ton in the first week, and how many tons in the second week shared the 23 tons of Coal Transported?

The canteen transported 94 tons of coal, one ton in the first week, and how many tons in the second week shared the 23 tons of Coal Transported?

94 × 23-1, = 32-1, = 12 (tons). A: in the second week, if we use 12 tons of coal, we will share 23.5% of the coal transported

The canteen transported 94 tons of coal, one ton in the first week, and how many tons in the second week shared the 23 tons of Coal Transported?

94 × 23-1, = 32-1, = 12 (tons). A: in the second week, if we use 12 tons of coal, we will share 23.5% of the coal transported

1. Three tons of coal were transported from a canteen. One fifth of the coal was used last week, and one second this week. How many tons of coal are used in Two Mondays?
2. Build a road with a total length of 105 kilometers. 2 / 7 of the road was built on the first day, and 2 / 5 of the road was built on the second day. How many kilometers were built in two days?
3. Build a road with a total length of 105 kilometers. Two seventh of the road was built on the first day, and two fifth of the road was built on the second day. How many kilometers were built on the second day?

1. Last week, 3 * 1 / 5 = 0.6 tons, 3-0.6 = 2.4 tons left, this week, 2.4 * 1 / 2 = 1.2 tons, two weeks shared 0.6 + 1.2 = 1.8 tons
A: 1.8 tons in two weeks
2. 105 * 2 / 7 = 30 km was repaired on the first day, and 105-30 = 75 km remained
The next day, 75 * 2 / 5 = 30 km, two days, 30 + 30 = 60 km
A: 60 kilometers in two days
3.105 * 2 / 7 = 30, 30 km in the first day
30 * 2 / 5 = 12. The next day, 12 kilometers were repaired
A: the next day, 12 kilometers were repaired

The canteen transported 94 tons of coal, 13 tons in the first week and 35 tons in the second week. How many tons in two weeks?

94 × 13 + 35, = 34 + 35, = 2720 tons; a: 2720 tons in two weeks