The distance between a and B is 270 km. The passenger cars and freight cars leave from the two places at the same time. They meet in three hours. The speed of the passenger cars and freight cars is 5:4 The speed of the lorry

The distance between a and B is 270 km. The passenger cars and freight cars leave from the two places at the same time. They meet in three hours. The speed of the passenger cars and freight cars is 5:4 The speed of the lorry

The speed sum of passenger cars and freight cars is 270 △ 3 = 90 km / h
The speed of the bus is: 90 × 5 △ 9 = 50 km / h
The speed of freight car is: 90 × 4 △ 9 = 40 km / h

The distance between a and B is 270 km, and the freight train and passenger train meet each other for 3-10 hours at the same time. It is known that the speed ratio of freight train and passenger train is 4:5
How many kilometers

Speed sum: 270 △ 3 / 10 = 900 (km / h)
Truck speed: 900x4 / (4 + 5) = 400 (km / h)
Bus speed: 900-400 = 500 (km / h)

The speed ratio of passenger and freight cars is 4:5 when they meet

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