Three hours later, the bus arrives at the midpoint of the two places, 30 kilometers away from the truck. If the bus and the truck are not in the same direction, the passenger car and the freight car will arrive at the midpoint of the two places The speed ratio is 4:3. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

Three hours later, the bus arrives at the midpoint of the two places, 30 kilometers away from the truck. If the bus and the truck are not in the same direction, the passenger car and the freight car will arrive at the midpoint of the two places The speed ratio is 4:3. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

It takes 6 hours for a bus to complete the whole journey and 9 hours for a truck to complete the whole journey,
Passenger speed: 1 / 6
Cargo speed: 1 / 9
Passenger speed: Cargo speed = 1 / 6: 1 / 9 = 9:6 = 3:2
After the two cars meet halfway, at a certain time, the ratio of speed is the ratio of distance,
3 / (3 + 2) = 3 / 5
2 / (2 + 3) = 2 / 5
The proportion of 90 meters: 80% - 3 / 5 = 8 / 10-3 / 5 = 1 / 5
Whole journey: 90 / (1 / 5) = 450 km
A: the whole journey is 450 kilometers
A and B leave from a and B at the same time and meet each other in 2 hours. After meeting, the two vehicles continue to drive. When a arrives at B, B is 60 kilometers away from A. It is known that the speed ratio of a and B is 3:2, so the speed of a and B can be calculated
The speed ratio of a and B is 3:2. You can see that when we meet,
A: 3 / (3 + 2) = 3 / 5
B: 2 / (3 + 2) = 2 / 5
Next, a will do 2 / 5 of B and B will do 3 / 5 of A
Proportion of 60: 3 / 5 - (2 / 5) / (3 / 2)
=3/5 -4/15
Whole journey: 60 / (1 / 3) = 180 km
A speed: (180 / 2) * 3 / 5 = 90 * 3 / 5 = 54 km
Speed B: 54 / (3 / 2) = 36 km
A: speed a is 54 km, speed B is 36 km
1. A passenger car and a freight car run from a and B at the same time. The passenger car runs 80km per hour, and the freight car 65km per hour. The freight car starts 51km before the passenger car starts. As a result, the two cars just meet at the midpoint of a and B. how many km did the passenger car travel?
2. The distance between AB and a is 1050 km. A and B trains leave from ab at the same time. Train a runs 60 km per hour, and train B runs 48 km per hour. When train B starts, a pigeon flies out of the carriage and flies to train a at the speed of 80 km per hour. When the pigeon meets with train a, is there thousands of meters left from a?
3. Party A and Party B travel at the same speed. It takes 8 seconds for a train to pass by Party A, and it takes 7 seconds to pass by Party B after 5 minutes. How much more time will Party A and Party B meet?
4. A bus and a bus are going from place a to place B at the same time. The bus runs 50 kilometers per hour and the bus 45 kilometers per hour. Now the bus arrives 40 minutes earlier than the bus. How many kilometers are there between the two places?
5. The two speedboats A and B set out from a and B respectively to travel back and forth. The first meeting distance of a and B is 500 meters, and the second meeting distance is 300 meters?
If the bus travel time is x, then:
If the flight time of pigeons is x, then:
1050-48 × 7.5 = 690 (km)
4. If the bus travel time is x hours, then:
50 × 6 = 300 (km)

The two passenger and freight cars leave from a and B at the same time. The freight car runs 42 kilometers per hour, and the passenger car 54 kilometers per hour. After three hours, the two cars are already on the same road as the rest
The distance ratio is 3:2. How many kilometers are there between a and B? (before 8:00)

Distance between a and B: (42 + 54) x3 △ 3 / (3 + 2) = 480 (km)

Two passenger and freight cars leave from a and B at the same time. The freight car runs 42 kilometers per hour, and the passenger car runs 54 kilometers per hour. After three hours, how many kilometers is the distance between the two cars and the remaining two places?

: (42 + 54) x3 △ 3 / (3 + 2) = 480 (km)
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1. The two passenger and freight cars leave from both places at the same time. The freight car travels 42 kilometers per hour, and the passenger car 54 kilometers per hour. After three hours, the ratio of the distance between the two cars and the rest is 3:2. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?
2. For a road, the ratio of the repaired to the unmodified is 1:5. For another 50 meters, the ratio of the repaired to the unmodified is 3:5. How long is the road?

1. Distance between a and B: (42 + 54) x3 △ 3 / (3 + 2) = 480 (km)
2. If the road is x meters long, it can be obtained according to the meaning of the title
The solution is x = 2000
So this road is 2000 meters long