On the map with a scale of 1:4000000, the distance between a and B is 9cm. The trucks and buses start from a and B and meet after 4 o'clock Given that the speed of the bus is 36 km / h, find the speed of the truck. Fast! 1

On the map with a scale of 1:4000000, the distance between a and B is 9cm. The trucks and buses start from a and B and meet after 4 o'clock Given that the speed of the bus is 36 km / h, find the speed of the truck. Fast! 1

Distance = 9 × 4000000 = 36000000cm = 360km
Speed sum = 360 △ 4 = 90 km / h
Truck speed = 90-36 = 54 km / h

On a map with a scale of 1:4000000, the distance between a and B is 7.5cm. If the passenger cars and freight cars leave and pass from a and B at the same time
It is known that the speed ratio of the bus to the train is 3:2. How many kilometers per hour is the speed of the truck?

Distance 7.5x400000 = 3000000cm = 3000000m = 300km
The speed of freight car is 300 ÷ (3 + 2) x2 = 120 km / h

On a map with a scale of 1:4000000, the distance between a and B is 20cm,
It is known that the speed of passenger cars is 75 kilometers per hour, and the speed ratio of passenger cars and freight cars is 15:17. How many hours do two cars meet?

20 divided by 1 / 4000000 = 80000000 (CM) = 800km 75 divided by 15 times 17 = 85 (km / h) 800 divided by (75 + 85) = 5 hours

On the map with a scale of 1:4000000, the distance between a and B is 20cm. Now there are two cars a and B driving from a and B at the same time
When driving 75KM per hour, the speed ratio of a and B is 15:17. How many hours later will the two cars meet?

Actual distance: 20 × 4000000 △ 100000 = 800km
Car B travels 75 △ 15 × 17 = 85 km per hour
Meeting time: 800 ÷ (75 + 85) = 5 hours