The distance between Party A and Party B is 595km. The passenger cars and trains depart from Party A and Party B at the same time and meet after 3.5 hours. The speed ratio of passenger cars and freight cars is 9:8. How many kilometers do the passenger cars and freight cars travel per hour?

The distance between Party A and Party B is 595km. The passenger cars and trains depart from Party A and Party B at the same time and meet after 3.5 hours. The speed ratio of passenger cars and freight cars is 9:8. How many kilometers do the passenger cars and freight cars travel per hour?

595 × - = 315 (km) 315 △ 3.5 = 90 (km / h)... Bus speed
595-315 = 280 (km) 280 ÷ 3.5 = 80 (km / h)... Truck speed
A: 90 km / h for passenger cars and 80 km / h for freight cars

A freight car and a passenger car leave from a and B with a distance of 600 kilometers. They meet each other in five hours. It is known that the speed of the passenger car is 1.5 times that of the freight car
(column equation)

If the speed of freight car is x, the speed of passenger car is 1.5x
Then (x + 1.5x) * 5 = 600
If x = 48, the bus speed is 72 km / h

A. B is 460 km away from the two places. Two hours after train a departs from a, train B departs from B and meets train a in four hours. It is known that train a travels 10 km more per hour than train B. how many kilometers does train a travel per hour on average?

Let car a travel x kilometers per hour, then car B travel X-10 kilometers per hour. The equation is: 2x + (X-10 + x) × 4 = 460 & nbsp; 2x + (2x-10) × 4 = 460, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2x + 8x-40 = 460, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

A. B is 460 km away from the two places. Two hours after train a departs from a, train B departs from B and meets train a in four hours. It is known that train a travels 10 km more per hour than train B. how many kilometers does train a travel per hour on average?

Let car a travel x kilometers per hour, then car B travel X-10 kilometers per hour. The equation is: 2x + (X-10 + x) × 4 = 460 & nbsp; 2x + (2x-10) × 4 = 460, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 2x + 8x-40 = 460, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp