From city a to city B, it takes six hours for car a, and from city B to city a, it takes four hours for car B. now, car a and car B start from city a and city B at the same time, and travel opposite each other. When they meet, car a drives 96 kilometers. How far is the distance between city a and city B?

From city a to city B, it takes six hours for car a, and from city B to city a, it takes four hours for car B. now, car a and car B start from city a and city B at the same time, and travel opposite each other. When they meet, car a drives 96 kilometers. How far is the distance between city a and city B?

Suppose the distance of B is x, 4:6 = 96: X, 4x = 576, x = 144; the distance between a and B is 96 + 144 = 240 (km)

A car and a motorcycle run from a and B at the same time. After 4 hours, the two cars meet at the midpoint of 24 kilometers. It takes 9 hours for the motorcycle to complete the whole journey. How many kilometers does the motorcycle travel per hour?

The complete journey of a motorcycle is 9 hours. If the encounter is 4 hours, the motorcycle will travel another 5 hours to complete the whole journey, and the 5-hour journey is 4 hours by car. Therefore, if the encounter is 1 hour by car, the motorcycle is 4 / 5,
Find out the distance between cars: 24 × 2 (1-4 / 5) = 240 km
So when the motorcycles meet, they walk: 240 × 4 / 5 = 192 km
So the speed of motorcycle: 192 △ 4 = 48 km

The speed ratio of a car to a motorcycle is 5:4. The two cars leave from a and B at the same time. The two cars meet at the distance of 15 km from the midpoint, and a and B meet each other
How many kilometers away?

Time is fixed, speed ratio = distance ratio = 5 ∶ 4
When we met, the car made 5 / 9 of the whole journey and the motorcycle made 4 / 9 of the whole journey
The two cars are 15 kilometers away from the midpoint, and the car travels 15 × 2 = 30 kilometers more
The distance between a and B in the whole journey: 30 ÷ (5 / 9-4 / 9) = 270 km

A car and a motorcycle run from a and B at the same time. After 4 hours, they meet 24 kilometers away from the destination. It takes 9 hours for the car to complete the whole journey,
How many kilometers does the car travel per hour

At the time of meeting, the car made 4 △ 9 = 4 / 9 of the whole journey,
The distance between a and B is 24 ± (1 / 2-4 / 9) = 432km,
The car travels 432 △ 9 = 48 km per hour