A and B drive from a city to B city respectively. A car goes from a city to B city, 10% of the whole journey per hour. B car goes from B city to a city, When car a is 260km away from city a, car B is 320km away from city B. what is the distance between city a and city B?

A and B drive from a city to B city respectively. A car goes from a city to B city, 10% of the whole journey per hour. B car goes from B city to a city, When car a is 260km away from city a, car B is 320km away from city B. what is the distance between city a and city B?

six hundred and fifty
Driving time of two vehicles: 320 / 80 = 4 hours
Speed of car a: 260 / 4 = 65
The total driving time of car a: 1 / 10% = 10 hours
AB distance: 65 * 10 = 650

Party A and Party B drive from city AB at the same time. After eight hours of meeting, Party A continues to drive to city B for four hours. It is known that Party A is faster than Party B every hour
35km Liangcheng road is 35km long

The two cars of a and B leave the two cities at the same time. After eight hours of meeting, the car of a continues to drive forward to the city of B, and there are four hours left. It is known that a is 35 km faster than B per hour. How long is the road between the two cities?

Car a and car B can meet at some place on the way after driving from city a and city B at the same time for 6 hours. Car a will continue to drive after 2.5 hours of repair due to a fault on the way. Therefore, it takes 7.5 hours from starting to meeting. Then, car a has a total of 7.5 hours from city a to city B______ Hours

When the two cars meet, the actual driving time of car a is 7.5-2.5 = 5 hours, and that of car B is 7.5 hours. Compared with the planned meeting time of 6 hours, car a runs 1 hour less and car B runs 1.5 hours more. That is to say, car a runs 1 hour and car B needs 1.5 hours. It is further deduced that car B runs 7.5 hours and car a needs to travel