A car and a motorcycle run from a and B at the same time. After 4 hours, the two cars meet at a distance of 24 kilometers from the destination. It takes 9 hours for the car to complete the whole journey How many kilometers per hour

A car and a motorcycle run from a and B at the same time. After 4 hours, the two cars meet at a distance of 24 kilometers from the destination. It takes 9 hours for the car to complete the whole journey How many kilometers per hour

The comprehensive formula is: 24 (1 / 2-4 / 9) △ 9 = 48 (km)
The analysis process is as follows
At the time of meeting, the car made 4 △ 9 = 4 / 9 of the whole journey,
The distance between a and B is 24 ± (1 / 2-4 / 9) = 432km,
The car travels 432 △ 9 = 48 km per hour

It's 10 o'clock for car a from a to B, and 15 o'clock for car a and B from B to B. they drive relatively and meet at the midpoint of 40 km to find the distance between the two places
It's better not to use the equation

1 / (1 / 10 + 1 / 15) = 6 hours When the two cars meet
(1/10-1/15)×6=1/5 …… Six hours a car travels more than B
"Meeting at 40 km from the midpoint" indicates that car a has traveled two 40 km more than car B
So: 40 × 2 / (1 / 5) = 400 km Distance between the two places