There are 380 kilometers from Qingdao to Jinan. Buses and trucks run in opposite directions. Buses run 55 kilometers per hour and trucks run 45 kilometers. How many hours do they meet?

There are 380 kilometers from Qingdao to Jinan. Buses and trucks run in opposite directions. Buses run 55 kilometers per hour and trucks run 45 kilometers. How many hours do they meet?

3 hours 48 minutes, 380 / (55 + 45) = 3.8 hours 3.8 * 60 = 228 minutes = 3 hours 48 minutes

The railway between Beijing and Hohhot is 660 kilometers long. A passenger car and a freight car start from both places at the same time and run in opposite directions. On the way, the train stopped because of giving way
5 hours. As a result, the bus and the truck meet on the way after 6 hours. The speed of the bus is 66 kilometers per hour. Find the speed of the truck

Set the train speed X
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The railway from a to B is 358 kilometers long. A passenger train and a freight train run from both places at the same time. Two hours is enough for them to meet on the way. It is known that the passenger train is faster than the freight train every hour
How many kilometers per hour does the freight car travel? Use the equation to solve it

If the freight car travels x kilometers per hour, the passenger car travels (x + 31) kilometers per hour
X = 74 (km)
A: 74 kilometers per hour

There is a train and a freight car running from two places 630km apart at the same time. After 4.2 hours, the two trains meet on the way. It is known that the passenger car runs 80km per hour
How many kilometers does the truck travel per hour?

4.2-hour driving distance: 80 × 4.2 = 336km
4.2-hour driving distance of truck: 630-336 = 294km
Then the speed of freight car is 294 △ 4.2 = 70km