It takes 10 hours for a passenger car to go from place a to place B, and 15 hours for a freight car to go from place B to place a. the two trains leave each other. When they meet, the passenger car travels 96 kilometers more than the freight car

It takes 10 hours for a passenger car to go from place a to place B, and 15 hours for a freight car to go from place B to place a. the two trains leave each other. When they meet, the passenger car travels 96 kilometers more than the freight car

Distance between a and B x

It took eight hours for a truck and ten hours for a bus to go from place a to place B at the same time,
Try to be clear
When the two cars met, how many parts of the journey did the bus take

8 / 9? It took 8 hours for car a to arrive at place B. car B made 4 / 5 of the whole journey, and then car B returned. When the distance between car a and place B was equal, then: 4 / 5 + X / 10 = 1-x / 8

At the same time, passenger cars and trucks from Nanjing to Hefei, passenger cars travel 75 kilometers per hour, freight cars travel 60 kilometers per hour, 0.75 hours after the bus arrives in Hefei
At the same time, passenger cars and freight cars depart from Nanjing to Hefei, traveling 75 kilometers per hour for passenger cars and 60 kilometers per hour for freight cars. 0.75 hours after passenger cars arrive in Hefei, freight cars also arrive in Hefei; between Nanjing and Hefei

Set to s
Then (s / 75 + 0.75) = s / 60
The solution is 225 kilometers

The two passenger and freight cars run from two places 135 kilometers apart at the same time and meet after 1.5 hours. For example, the speed of a passenger car is twice that of a freight car, and the freight car runs several thousand meters per hour

If the freight car travels x km per hour, the passenger car travels 2x km per hour
The solution is: x = 30
So: the truck runs 30 kilometers per hour