The speed ratio of a passenger car to a freight car is 5:3. The freight car starts from place a to place B first. When it is 160 km away from place a, the passenger car starts from place B to place B When the two cars meet, the bus takes half of the whole journey from a to B?

The speed ratio of a passenger car to a freight car is 5:3. The freight car starts from place a to place B first. When it is 160 km away from place a, the passenger car starts from place B to place B When the two cars meet, the bus takes half of the whole journey from a to B?

The answer is 800 km primary school

A freight car and a passenger car are going from place a to place B at the same time. The speed of the freight car is 2 / 3 of that of the passenger car. When the passenger car arrives at place B, it will return immediately. When it is 18 km away from place B and
How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

1800 times 2 division (1-2 / 3) = 10800

The speed ratio of a freight car and a passenger car from a to B is 3:4. How many kilometers is the distance between a and B when the two cars meet 18 kilometers away from the midpoint

18 × 2 △ 4-3 × (4 + 3) = 252km
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It takes 10 hours for a bus to go from place a to place B, and 8 hours for a truck to go from place B to place a?
During the new year's Day holiday, my father went to buy a bicycle for Xiao Ming. The original price was 520 yuan. During the new year's day, there was a 20% discount. How much did my father spend to buy the bicycle back?
A and b read the same book. B reads one fourth more pages than a every day. This book will take 10 days to finish. How many days will b finish it?
A barrel of oil weighs 100 kg. Two fifths of the total oil is used in the first time. 25% of the total oil is used in the second time. The same amount of oil is used in the third time. How much oil is used in the third time?
When a car goes from place a to place B, the mountain road station takes 1 / 5 of the whole journey, the uphill road takes 2 / 8 of the mountain road, and the uphill road takes up how much of the distance between Party A and Party B? If the distance up the mountain is 18 kilometers, how many kilometers is the distance between a and B?
Xiao Gang read a book. On the first day, he read 1 / 4 of the whole book. On the second day, he read the remaining 2 / 5. On the second day, he read 15 more pages than on the first day. How many pages are there in this book?
Party A and Party B have several yuan in total, of which Party A accounts for 60%. If Party A gives Party B 8 yuan, then Party A and Party B have the same amount of money. How much yuan do Party A and Party B have in total?
The man-made earth satellite runs 8 kilometers per second, and the spaceship flies 11.4 kilometers per second. How much faster is the spaceship than the man-made earth satellite?
Yangzhuang received 12000 kg of rapeseed last year, and this year's output has reached 13800 kg. How much higher is the output of rapeseed this year than last year?
A factory plans to burn 18 tons of coal in November, but actually only 16 tons. What percentage of coal is actually burned than originally planned? (the number before the percent sign retains one digit)

1 / 10 + X / 10 = x / 8, x = 42. 520 × 0.8 = 4163. If there is a problem, it is not clear that 4.100 × 2 / 5 + 100 × 25% × 2 = 905.1/20 18 / 1 / 20 = 3606.15 / [(1-1 / 4) × 2 / 5-1 / 4] = 15 / 1 / 20 = 3007