The speed of car a is 1.2 times faster than that of car A. how many kilometers does car a travel per hour? How to calculate with equation solution?

The speed of car a is 1.2 times faster than that of car A. how many kilometers does car a travel per hour? How to calculate with equation solution?

Set the speed of vehicle B as X km / h
The speed of car B is 50 km / h

The flight speed of an aircraft is 860 km / h, which is 35 km faster than 11 times the speed of a car. How many kilometers does the car travel per hour?

(860-35) / 11 = 75 km / h

How many hours does it take to drive 300 kilometers at this speed?
Question 2: how many square meters is a 25 / 14 square meter piece of glass divided into seven pieces? 3. The number a is 8 / 9, which is equivalent to 1 / 9 of the number B. what is the number B?

Speed = 40 △ 5 / 6 = 48 km / h
Time = 300 △ 48 = 6.25 hours
It takes 6.25 hours to drive 300 km at this speed

Car a can travel 256.8 kilometers in 3 hours, and car a can travel 342 kilometers in 4 hours. Which car is faster? How many kilometers per hour?

Car a 256.8 △ 3 = 85.6 (km / h)
Car B 342 △ 4 = 85.5 (km / h)
85.6 (km / h) - 85.5 (km / h) = 0.1 (km / h)