Passenger cars travel 60 kilometers per hour and freight cars 50 kilometers per hour. Now two cars on a straight road start from a and B, 300 kilometers apart After five hours, how many kilometers are the two cars apart?

Passenger cars travel 60 kilometers per hour and freight cars 50 kilometers per hour. Now two cars on a straight road start from a and B, 300 kilometers apart After five hours, how many kilometers are the two cars apart?

(50 + 60) × 5-300 = 250 km

It is known that the distance between a and B is 120km, a bus and a freight car
It is known that the distance between a and B is 120 km, the speed of a bus is 1.2 times that of a truck, and the bus takes 30 minutes less than that of a truck

Set the speed of freight car as X km / h
The speed of the truck is 40 km / h

The distance between a and B is 496 km. A bus from a to B runs 64 km per hour for one hour

Because it's 64 kilometers per hour, it's 64 × 1 = 64 kilometers per hour. At this time, it's 496-64 = 432 kilometers away from Jiadi

On the map with a scale of 1:8000000, the distance between a and B is 8.4cm. A car travels from place a to place B at the speed of 64km per hour
How many hours does it take

According to the definition of scale, 1:8000000 = 8.4: X, so x = 672km. If the speed of a car is 645km / h, it will take 672 / 64 = 10.5h to go from place a to place B