Each worker in a workshop can produce 12 bolts or 18 nuts,

Each worker in a workshop can produce 12 bolts or 18 nuts,

There are 28 workers in a workshop, each of whom can produce 12 bolts or 18 nuts every day. If it is required that the bolts and nuts produced every day should be matched into one set, that is, one bolt should be matched with two nuts, how many workers produce bolts? Setting: X workers produce bolts, y workers produce nuts

There are 24 workers in a workshop. Each of them produces 12 bolts or 18 nuts on average every day. Two bolts are matched with three nuts. In order to make the products match each day, how many workers should be assigned to produce bolts and nuts?

Suppose that x workers can be assigned to produce bolts and (24-x) workers to produce nuts. From the meaning of the question, we can get: 3 × 12x = 2 × 18 (24-x), and the solution is: x = 12, 24-x = 12 (people). Answer: 12 workers should be assigned to produce bolts and 12 workers to produce nuts, so that the products can match each day