A worker made 1500 parts twice in succession, 18 hours ahead of schedule after the reform. The work efficiency after the reform is known to be 2.5 times of the original. How many parts per hour after the reform

A worker made 1500 parts twice in succession, 18 hours ahead of schedule after the reform. The work efficiency after the reform is known to be 2.5 times of the original. How many parts per hour after the reform

Suppose that it takes 1500 / X to do x per hour
After the reform, we will do 2.5x per hour and spend 1500 / 2.5x time
After the reform, it was advanced 18 hours, namely 1500 / x = 1500 / 2.5x + 18 = 600 / x + 18900 / x = 18, x = 900 / 18 = 50

A clothing factory is going to process 400 sets of sportswear. After 160 sets of sportswear are processed, new technology is adopted, which makes the work efficiency increase by 20% compared with the original plan. As a result, it takes 18 days to complete the task. How many sets of sportswear are planned to be processed every day? In this question, if x sets are planned to be processed every day, the equation is as follows

There is no correct answer. It is right to change 2 to the following equation:
160 / X is the number of days to process 160 sets under the original planned processing efficiency, and (400-160) / (1 + 20%) x is the number of days to process the remaining 400-160 = 240 sets under the condition of improving the efficiency by 20%. The sum of consecutive days is the 18 days shared by the processing