There are 150 workers in a workshop, each of whom can process 18 bolts or 24 nuts per day, In order to match the bolts and bolts processed every day (two bolts and three nuts), how should the workers who process nuts and bolts be allocated?

There are 150 workers in a workshop, each of whom can process 18 bolts or 24 nuts per day, In order to match the bolts and bolts processed every day (two bolts and three nuts), how should the workers who process nuts and bolts be allocated?

Two bolts with three nuts
Then the required workers are [2 △ 18]: [3 △ 24]
So the worker who processes the bolt: the worker who processes the nut = 8:9
There is no end to it
On average, each person can process 18 nuts or 24 bolts per day. Is it reversed?
If it's written backwards
Then bolt worker: nut worker = [2 △ 24]: [3 △ 18] = 1:2
So bolt worker 50, nut worker 100

There are 100 workers in a workshop, each of whom can process 18 bolts or 24 nuts per day on average. In order to match the bolts and nuts processed every day (one bolt needs two nuts), how should the workers who process bolts and nuts be allocated?

Suppose x people are assigned to process bolts, then (100-x) people are assigned to process nuts. According to the meaning of the question, we get 2 × 18x = 24 (100-x), and the solution is: x = 40, then the number of people processing nuts is: 100-40 = 60 (people). Answer: 40 people are assigned to process bolts, and 60 people are assigned to process nuts

Set up equations to solve the application problem: a worker planned to process 1500 parts in the specified time. After improving the tools and operation methods, the work efficiency is doubled. Therefore, when processing 1500 parts, it is 5 hours ahead of the original plan. How many parts are there in the original plan?

Suppose the original plan is to process x parts per hour. According to the meaning of the question: 1500x = 15002x + 5, remove the denominator, and get 3000 = 1500 + 10x. The solution is x = 150. After testing, x = 150 is the solution of the original equation, and meets the meaning of the question. Answer: the original plan is to process 150 parts per hour

After Master Wang processed 1500 parts, he improved the technology and increased the work efficiency to 2.5 times of the original. When he later processed another 1500 parts, it took 18 hours less than before. How many parts per hour before and after the improvement? (solved by equation and arithmetic)

(1) Suppose x pieces are processed per hour before the improvement, then 2.5x pieces are processed per hour after the improvement. According to the meaning of the question, we can get: 18 × 2.5x = (2.5-1) × 1500 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 45x = 2250 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 502.5x = 2.5 × 50 = 125 (pieces) (2) 18 ÷ (2.5-1) = 12 (hours) & nbsp; Processing per hour before technology improvement: 1500 (18 + 12) = 1500 (30) = 50; processing per hour after technology improvement: 1500 (12) = 125 A: processing per hour before technology improvement: 50; processing per hour after technology improvement: 125