The bottom of a right angled trapezoid is 3.5 times of the top. If the top is extended by 11 meters and the bottom is extended by 1 meter, it becomes a square. Find its area

The bottom of a right angled trapezoid is 3.5 times of the top. If the top is extended by 11 meters and the bottom is extended by 1 meter, it becomes a square. Find its area

Let the upper bottom be 2k and the lower bottom be 7K, we can get that 2K + 11 = 7K + 1, and the solution is k = 2, so the upper bottom is 4, the lower bottom is 14, the height is 4 + 11 = 15 (the four sides of a square are equal), and the area is 135 (we know the upper bottom, the lower bottom and the height, and calculate them according to the definition of "the sum of the upper bottom and the lower bottom multiplied by the height, and then divided by 2")

The surface area of a square is 6 square meters. If the edge length is increased by 1 meter, how many cubic meters will the volume be increased?

The surface area of the original square = 6 * x * x = 6, the side length x = 1, so its volume v = 1 cubic meter
The edge length plus 1 meter, so the side length of the square is x = 2, the volume is v = 2 * 2 * 2 = 8 cubic meters, so the volume is increased by 8-1 = 7 cubic meters