If the area between two squares is 28 square centimeter, calculate the area of large square

If the area between two squares is 28 square centimeter, calculate the area of large square

(28-4) / 4 = 6 calculate the side length of the small square;
6 + 2 = 8 is the side length of a large square

As shown in Figure 1, there are two squares, one large and the other small. The distance between the corresponding sides is 1 cm. If the area between the two squares is 12 square centimeters, what is the area of the large rectangle?

Let the side length of a large square be x, then the side length of a small square be X-2. From the known x 2 - (X-2) 2 = 12 to x = 4, then the area of a large square is 16 square centimeters

There are two squares, one big and the other small. The small square is placed in the big square. The distance between the corresponding sides is 1cm. The area of the small square is 12 square centimeters

Large square area: (2 root sign 3 + 2) & # = 16 + 8,