If the generatrix length of the cone is l and the bottom radius is L / 2, the area of the largest section passing through the apex of the cone is

If the generatrix length of the cone is l and the bottom radius is L / 2, the area of the largest section passing through the apex of the cone is

The area of the largest section passing through the apex of a cone shall be a triangle with L as the height and the diameter of the bottom as the bottom
S = L*L/2

In RT △ ABC, ab = 5, AC = 4, BC = 3, P is any point in △ ABC, find the minimum value of PA + Pb + PC

Let a (4,0) B (0,3) C (0,0)
P is the inner point of RT △ ABC. Rotate △ APC around point a counterclockwise for 60 ° to get △ ap'c '
Then PC = p'c ', AP = AP', AC = AC '
Link CC ', PP', BC '
Then △ ACC 'and △ app' are equilateral triangles
So PA = PP ', C' (2, - 2 √ 3)
So BP + PA + PC = BP + PP '+ p'c'
According to the distance between two points, the shortest line segment is BP + PP '+ p'c' ≥ BC '
So BP + PA + PC ≥ BC '
And B (0,3) C '(2, - 2 √ 3)
So BC '= √ [(2-0) &# 178; + (3 + 2 √ 3) &# 178;] = √ (25 + 12 √ 3)
The minimum value of PA + Pb + PC is √ (25 + 12 √ 3)

In RT △ ABC, ab = BC = 2, and points D and E are the midpoint of AB and AC respectively. Find a point P on CD to minimize PA + Pb and find this value

This question is wrong because the point is d