100 practical questions in grade five

100 practical questions in grade five

51. There are six people in the first group. The average score of five of them is 85. After adding Wang Gang's score, the average score is 87. What's Wang Gang's score?
52. Two water pipes discharge water into the pool at the same time. The coarse pipe discharges 15 tons of water per hour, and the thin pipe discharges 11 tons of water per hour. After 8 hours of filling, how many tons of water can the pool hold? (calculated by two different methods)
53. A rectangular playground is 50 meters long and 40 meters wide. After the expansion, the length and width will be increased by 5 meters respectively. How many square meters will the playground area be increased after the expansion?
54. A train runs 366 kilometers in 6 hours in the morning and 276 kilometers in 4 hours in the afternoon. How many kilometers more in the afternoon than in the morning?
55. A factory uses 120 tons of coal in the first six months and 102 tons in the second half of the year?
56. A forest farm planted 1480 trees the year before last. The number of trees planted last year was twice that of the year before last. This year, there are 420 more trees than the total number of trees planted in the previous two years. How many trees are planted this year?
57. The length of a rectangle is 21 cm, which is three times the width. What is the perimeter and area of the rectangle?
58. One ton of waste paper can produce 700 kg of paper. If one kilogram of paper can be made into 25 exercise books, how many exercise books can be made from 12 tons of waste paper?
59. It takes 4 tapes to record a Qigong report. It takes 30 minutes to record a full tape. How many hours did this report record?
60. A bulldozer can pave 600 meters in 3 hours. If it paves 20 meters more per hour, how many meters can it pave in 8 hours?
61. Lizhuang farmers transported wheat to the grain depot. On the first day, they transported 10 trucks, and on the second day, they transported 7 trucks. Each truck transported 2 tons and 400 kg of wheat. How many kg were transported in two days? How many tons and how many kg?
62. The weight of 100 wet bricks is 450 kg, and each brick is reduced by 850 G after drying. How many kg is the weight of 100 wet bricks after drying?
63. An automatic packing machine can pack 135 pieces of sugar in 20 seconds. According to this calculation, how many pieces of sugar can this machine pack in one hour?
64. Xiaohua walked 4 kilometers and 680 meters. It took 1:18. How many meters per branch?
65. A truck with a deadweight of 3 tons and 7000 kg of wood on it has to pass through a bridge with a weight limit of 11 tons. Can the truck pass through this bridge?
The width of the 66 and 28 row planters is 4 meters. How many hectares of land can be sown by tractor with 5 kilometers per hour?
67. The total weight of the goods in pile a and pile B is 8000 kg. It is known that the weight of the goods in pile a is four times that of the goods in pile B. how many kg are the weight of the goods in pile a and pile B?
68. In the bookbinding workshop, each person binds 640 textbooks per hour. According to this calculation, how many textbooks do 12 people bind in 8 hours?
69. The automobile team carried out fuel saving activities. 12 vehicles saved 7200 kg of gasoline a year. How many kg of gasoline per vehicle per month?
70. The price of a telephone is 320 yuan. The price of a "color TV" is eight times that of a telephone. The price of a computer is 1000 yuan more than three times that of a "color TV". How much is a computer?
71. Two workshops produce parts. Five days later, 1520 parts are produced in workshop a and 1280 parts are produced in workshop B. if we work 8 hours a day, how many parts are produced less in workshop B than in workshop a per hour?
72. Xiaohua has read 45 pages of a book, but what he has not read is 8 pages less than 3 times of what he has read. How many pages are there in this book?
73. The master and the apprentice process a batch of parts together. The master processes 125 parts per hour, the apprentice processes 100 parts per hour, and completes the task in 8 hours. When the task is completed, how many more parts does the master process than the apprentice? How many parts do the master and the apprentice process?
74. It is known that the average number of a, B and C is 268 and the number of D is 148. What is the average number of these four numbers?
75. Students participate in environmental protection activities. There are 42 students in class 61, with an average of 80 square meters of clean environment per person. There are 38 students in class 62, with a total of 2800 square meters of clean environment. How many square meters of clean environment per person in the two classes?
76. According to statistics, the blue whale can swim 108 meters in three hours, and the dolphin can swim 245 meters in five hours. How many meters less does the blue whale swim per hour than the dolphin?
77. There are 25 people in a production group, which processes 1500 parts a day, and then 8 people are transferred. According to this calculation, how many more parts does the production group process per day than before?
78. Hualian Commercial building sells 90 sets of "Antarctic" pure cotton underwear in one day, 38 sets in the morning, 218 yuan per set, how much less in the morning than in the afternoon?
79. Two flour grinders are used in grain processing plants to grind 28800 kg flour in 5 days and work 8 hours a day. The first one grinds 314 kg flour per hour, and the second one grinds how many kg flour per hour?
80. Xiaogang read a book. He read 10 pages on the first day, then read 5 more pages every day than the previous day, and finished reading 40 pages on the last day. How many days did he read?
81. Xiaohua rode 20 kilometers and 400 meters, which took 1:20. How many kilometers and meters did he ride per hour?
82. The factory has delivered a batch of raw materials, of which 15 tons and 400 kg have already been delivered, and the rest is 500 kg more than three times of that. How many kg are these raw materials? How many tons and kilograms are they?
83. How many hours and minutes does it take for a typist to type 150 words per minute and a 30000 word manuscript?
84. A rectangular paddy field is 200 meters wide and twice as long as the width. How many hectares of paddy field is there? If the rice yield per hectare is is 6500 kg, how many kg of paddy are there in total?
85, 10 tons of wheat grindable flour 8.5 tons, 100 kg of wheat grindable flour how many tons?
86, 100 tons of sea water salt 3 tons, 10 tons of sea water salt how many tons?
87. The hardware factory produces 3000 kg iron nails in total. After 100 wooden cases are loaded, there are 500 kg left. How many wooden cases are needed?
88. A bag of rice takes 32.18 kg and there are 17.82 kg left. How many kg is this bag of rice?
89. A football is 48.36 yuan and a basketball is 54.27 yuan. Mr. Wang uses 150 yuan to buy a football and a basketball. How many yuan should he get back?
90. The length of a rectangle is 0.54 meters, 8 cm more than the width. How many meters is the circumference of the rectangle?
91. Two wires. The first one is 48.3 meters long, which is 6.5 meters longer than the second one. How many meters less is the first one than the second one after 9.4 meters are used?
92. A chair is 35.4 yuan, which is 16.2 yuan cheaper than a desk. The school bought 100 sets of desks and chairs. How many yuan do they share?
93. A rope is divided into three sections. The first and second sections are 38.7 meters long, the second and third sections are 41.6 meters long, and the first and third sections are 39.7 meters long?
94. There are 58.4 tons of grain in warehouse A and 44 tons of grain in warehouse B. after how many tons of grain are transported from warehouse A, the grain in warehouse B is twice that in warehouse a?
95. The school bought 320 sets of desks and chairs, 55 yuan for each desk and 36 yuan for each chair. How much did the school spend? (answer in two ways)
96, 7 workers 8 days processing 2632 pieces of clothing, according to this calculation, add 3 workers, 1 day can process how many pieces of clothing?
97. There are 132 pear trees in the orchard, 44 less than peach trees. The number of apple trees is twice the total number of pear trees and peach trees. How many apple trees are there in the orchard?
98. The school spent 360 yuan on volleyball for the students. The money spent on football was 60 yuan less than twice that of volleyball, and it was just twice that of basketball. How much less did the school spend on basketball than volleyball?
99. The school assigned the task of cleaning a piece of green land 39 meters long and 20 meters wide to two classes. There are 40 people in class A and 38 people in class B. if it is allocated according to the number of people, how many square meters should each class clean?
The total weight of 100 and three baskets of apples is 110.5 kg. If 18.6 kg is taken out of the first basket, 23.5 kg is taken out of the second basket, and 20.4 kg is taken out of the third basket, then the weight of the remaining apples in the three baskets is the same. How many kg are there in the three baskets?
101. There are 100 points in a regular octagon. How many triangles can be cut out at most? How many triangles can be cut out at least?
102. Divide a pile of apples, three for each, and there is one left; five for each, three for each, seven for each, and five for each. How many apples are there in this pile at least
103. After sawing a 5 cm wide wooden strip from a square board, the remaining area is 750 square centimeters. What is the area of the sawn strip?
104. Party A and Party B run the 100 meter race. When Party A reaches the finish line, Party B is 20 meters behind Party A. if the speed of Party A and Party B remains unchanged, how many meters does the starting line of Party A have to move backward to make Party A and Party B reach the finish line at the same time?
105. The original stock in the warehouse will be transported into the warehouse one after another, and the same amount of goods will be transported into the warehouse every day. Now, the goods in the warehouse will be transported out by cars with the same carrying capacity. If four cars are used every day, it will be lucky in nine days. If five cars are used, it will be lucky in six days. If one car is used to transport the original goods out of the warehouse every day, how many days will it take?
106. A city held a long-distance running activity. The long-distance running team was advancing at the speed of 6 kilometers per hour. At the beginning of the long-distance running, two reporters, Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang, were marching to the middle of the team at the same time from the beginning and the end of the line to report and interview. Both Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang rode motorcycles and traveled 10 kilometers per hour. They met 900 meters away from the midpoint of the team. How many meters is the long-distance running team?
107. Party A, Party B, Party C and Party D take the same amount of money to buy several pieces of goods of the same specifications. After the goods are bought back, Party A, Party B and Party C take 3, 7 and 14 more pieces of goods than party D. at the final settlement, Party B pays Party D 14 yuan, so how much should Party C pay Party D?
108. Party A and Party B sell eggs. Party A has 10 more eggs than Party B, but the income after all the eggs are sold is 15 yuan. If Party A's eggs can be sold for 18 yuan at the price of Party B, how many eggs do Party A and Party B have?
109. Grandfather and granddaughter walk along the square pond with a side length of 100 meters, as shown in the figure. It is known that granddaughter walks 50 meters every minute, and grandfather walks 46 meters every minute. At least how many minutes does it take granddaughter to see grandfather?
110. There is a number 2003 written on the blackboard. Party A and Party B use this number to play a number game. Starting from 2003, they subtract the number on a non-zero digit from the number on the blackboard to get a new number and erase the original number. They take turns to do it. When the new number is 0, the winner will win. Now let Party A do it first. What can he do to ensure the victory?
111. For any natural number n, when n is odd, add 121. When n is even, divide by 2. This is an operation. Now, if you operate on three digit 241 continuously, will 100 appear in the process of operation? Why?
112. Train a and train B run from two places 700 kilometers apart at the same time. Train a runs 85 kilometers per hour and train B runs 90 kilometers per hour. How many hours do the two trains meet?
113. The two trains start from two stations at the same time. Car a runs 48 kilometers per hour and car B 78 kilometers per hour. After 2.5 hours, the two trains meet. How long is the railway between the two stations?
114, a, B two trains from 988 kilometers away from each other at the same time, after 5.2 hours, two trains meet. A train runs 93 kilometers per hour, B train how many kilometers per hour?
115. The master and apprentice work together to process 520 parts. The master processes 30 parts per hour, and the apprentice processes 20 parts per hour. After a few hours, there are still 70 parts that have not been processed?
116. Team a and team B dig a canal together. Team a digs 75 meters from east to west every day. Team B digs 5 meters less than team a from west to east every day. The two teams work together for 8 days. How long is the canal?
117. Ship a and ship B travel from two places 654 kilometers apart. In 8 hours, the two ships are 22 kilometers apart. It is known that ship B travels 42 kilometers per hour, and how many kilometers does ship a travel per hour?
118. A car and a bicycle set out at the same time from a and B, 172.5km apart, and they ran in opposite directions. Three hours later, the two cars met. It is known that the car travels 31.5km more than the bicycle per hour. What is the speed of the car and the bicycle?
119. The distance between the two places is 270 km. A and B trains leave from the two places at the same time and meet each other after 4 hours