Use three different numbers from 1 to 9 to form six three digit numbers without repetition. The sum of five numbers is 2234. Find the sixth number?

Use three different numbers from 1 to 9 to form six three digit numbers without repetition. The sum of five numbers is 2234. Find the sixth number?

The sixth number is 652
The six numbers are ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, cab and CBA
The sum of these six numbers is 222 * (a + B + C),
The difference between the sum and 2234 must be a three digit number,
A + B + C is 11, and the sum is 24422442-2234 = 208;
A + B + C is 12, the sum is 2664, 2664-2234 = 430, and 0 is rounded off;
. 13,. 652,6 + 5 + 2 = 13, correct!
14,. 874,8 + 7 + 4 = 19, rounding off;
A + B + C = 13: 652
6 + 5 + 2 = 13

In the five numbers of 23579, choose four numbers to make up the four digits which are divided by 3 and 5, and the remaining two. What are the four digits?

A number divided by 5 to 2 must end with 7 or 2
If a number is divided by 3 to 2, the sum of the numbers must be divided by 3 to 2
2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 is divided by 3, so the number removed must be a multiple of 3
It could be 2, 3, 5, 7 or 2, 5, 7, 9
The quantity is calculated as follows:
Choose to remove one of 3 or 9: 2 methods
Choose 2 or 7 to end: 2 ways
The first three row positions a (3,3) = 6
Total 2 × 2 × 6 = 24

It is known that ABC is a three digit number (a, B, C are three different numbers), and the other five numbers are composed of three different numbers a, B, C
The sum is 3595, so the difference between the largest and the smallest of the six three digits is

The sum of the six three digits composed of a, B and C is 200A + 200B + 200C + 20A + 20b + 20c + 2A + 2B + 2C = 222 (a + B + C), while the sum of the other five three digits composed of a, B and C is 35953595 △ 222 = 16.43 plus 1793595 + 179 is a multiple of 222 (179 is ABC at this time)

English translation
He is thirteen years old, but he still relies too much on his parents
Can you look after Linda's son while she is out?
We get up early in order to catch the early bus
Don't spend too much time on computer games
I don't think it's necessary for children to learn English
Would you mind opening the window?
To learn English well, it is not enough to just remember the words
Do I have to clean my room every day?
______ I ______ _____ _____ my room every day?

He is thirteen years old, but he is still too dependent on his parents; I think young children don't need to learn English. Would you mind opening the window, Just remember a word is not enough?

English translation
"To think that I'm not going to use cell phone when at the same time I can still use my laptop,I still can read a paper I can stilll change my pants while driving at 65 mph.I think there is just something wrong," an offcial said.
Other critics noted other things like eating,drinking coffee and doing make-up while dring.They suggested that the ban include a broader range of things.

"Imagine that I can use my laptop, read newspapers, change my pants, but not my mobile phone when I'm driving at 65 kilometers per hour," a government official said
Other critics have highlighted behaviors such as eating, drinking or making up while driving. They suggest that the ban should be broader

English translation
It's been many years. I don't know if she saw me laughing

it has gone for many years.I don't know wether she was laughing up her sleeve when she saw me.

English translation
The first step in using Papyres,of course other than
registering in the system,is to add research papers,or
resources.To do so,ideally researchers would have an
electronic copy of the resource.As such,the researcher can
upload the electronic copy into the system,and provide the
required bibliographic data,including the type of the resource
(conference or journal paper,book,etc.),the authors,etc.
Although ideally the electronic copy of the resource should be
included,it is not imperative.Indeed ,researchers can add only
the resource’s reference (paper resource) or just the URL if the
resource is web- based.Nonetheless ,to fully take advantage of
Papyres’ functionalities (described afterwards) it is preferable
to have an electronic copy of the resource included into
Papyres.Fig .2 highlights the metadata of each resource
inspired by IEEE Learning Object Metadata .

The first step in using papyres, of course, in addition to registering in the system, is to put research papers, or resources. For this purpose, the best researchers will have electronic resources. Therefore, researchers can upload to the electronic version of the system and provide the required bibliographic data, including the type of resources (conference or journal, paper, book, etc.)

English translation
This contact proved invaluable in 2012,when,back in Syria to cover a Free Syrian Army–controlled area in Aleppo,Tomada traveled with the elite group,this time on a mission to attack an armored battalion of the Syrian regime.En route to Ramussa, he and the fighters were attacked by the Syrian army and took shelter in the basement of an abandoned factory.

This contact in 2012 proved to be very valuable. Together with a group of elite members of the free Syrian army who control the Aleppo area, Tomada took part in an attack on the armored battalion of the Syrian government army. On their way to ramussa, they were attacked by the Syrian army and took refuge in the basement of an abandoned factory
Pro, please accept

The physical meaning of G = g divided by M

G is the gravity of the object, M is the mass of the object
According to Newton's second law, the acceleration of a body is equal to the external force on the body divided by the mass
Here is the gravity of the object divided by the mass, so G is the acceleration produced by the gravity of the object, that is, G is the acceleration of gravity

Physics (gravity) g is divided into M = g, g = mg, which means (hint: compare the definition of velocity)

The greater the mass of an object under the same gravity, the greater the gravity of the object itself;
The greater the gravity of an object, the greater its mass